IVC FAQ™ is a series of questions and answers related to IVC systems and the modern technologies used for laboratory rodent housing systems.
1. Why does the Lab Products, llc. Ventilated Housing System design introduce HEPA filter supply airflow at the bottom of the cage?
Our customers continue to use this method of airflow into the cage since the 1980’s and the process has been utilized successfully in virtually all types of small laboratory rodent research. No revision is required and no revision is requested from…
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HEPA filtered air enters the cage freely at a comfortable low velocity (<0.2 meters per second) at the floor level, circulates without an objectionable draft to the animals and comes in direct contact with the bedding throughout the cage. An efficient exchange of heat as well as moisture occurs with the slow moving air flowing across the bottom of the cage. The exhaust system effectively captures the effluent air as it is expelled from the cage and air from the room is scavenged at the same time.
Lab Products, llc. customers continue to use this method of airflow into the cage since the 1980’s and the process has been utilized successfully in virtually all types of small laboratory rodent research. We have yet to discover an independent study that provides scientific data showing the Lab Products, llc. air delivery method to be harmful to rodents. There is no scientific evidence that gives an indication that the Lab Products, llc. method and rate of cage air delivery compromised the well being of animals nor had an adverse affect upon research study results.
As the Lab Products, llc. method of delivering air into ventilated cages continues over many decades, competitor methods have undergone repeated modifications while often rendering their previous designs to be incompatible with their newer designs. Whether you purchased your Lab Products, llc. ventilated housing system 10 or 30 years ago, we continue to support your housing needs with caging compatible with both older and newer rack designs.
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© 2015 Bio Medic Corporation. IVC FAQ is a trademark of Lab Products, llc.
Our next question:
2. Do the Lab Products, llc. individually ventilated cage (IVC) systems offer operators the option of adjusting cage air exchange rates? Why is the Lab Products, llc. cage ACH (air changes per hour) rate set at what some may consider to be too low?
Micro-Isolator® cages provide optimum airflow rates based in part upon the millions of cages in field use and over 20,000 ventilated system installations, spanning decades. We believe a more interesting question to be, “Why do some manufacturers’…
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© 2015 Bio Medic Corporation.