Super Mouse 750™ Ventilated Racks
Designed Exclusively For Housing Mice.
House up to 180 individually ventilated cages with RAIR HD Super Mouse 750™ Ventilated Racks. Freely exchange two different mouse cages on the same rack, the Super Mouse 750™ and Econo-Cage® Disposable Micro-Isolator® system.
Hold up to 180 Micro-Isolator® cages with up to 900 adult mice per rack, in about 18 sq ft (1.7 sq m), yielding 49 adult mice per square foot (530 psm). Download the Ventilated Products Guide for current details on rack dimensions, cage capacities and animal capacities.
RAIR HD Super Mouse 750™ Ventilated Racks are designed to help protect the well being of your laboratory animals and personnel, meet your research requirements and minimize experimental variables. Leading edge animal housing technology provides a negative pressure rack, containing positive pressure cages that are maintained with HEPA filtered air. Minimal components support a streamlined workflow with reliable, user-friendly equipment that is uncomplicated to install, maintain and operate. An unobstructed view of cage interiors provides quick and easy observations of mice, food and water levels, without disturbing cages.
Microprocessor environmental controls ensure consistent air exchange. Low velocity HEPA filtered air is delivered directly to each cage, protecting research animals. Expelled cage air, animal dander, allergens and odors are captured indirectly through a negative pressure zone called AllerZone™, protecting personnel. The result is the most precise and consistent cage-to-cage airflow balance (<0.2 CFM per cage) available for high-density individually ventilated cages. Airflow remains balanced with any number of cages present on a rack. If ventilation is disrupted, Micro-Isolator® ventilated cages immediately revert to static cages (non-ventilated mode) with a Petri Dish effect, providing air exchange so your rodents can still breathe.